About the Journal

The electronic journal named Research and Practice on Inclusive Education is an initiative of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). It has as goal the dissemination of knowledge about Inclusive Education, with themes related to Special Education, Education of the field, Indigenous Education, Education for Ethnic-racial Relations, Literacy, Education of Young and Adults, Education on Human Rights and Environmental Education. The Journal publishes original articles, mainly of research, however giving space for essays, articles of revision, reports of several kinds of experience, graduation works, interviews and reviews. Files purposed by researchers of three or more Brazilian or international institutions, about the several themes related to the Inclusive Education, can be appreciated.


Simpósio de Política e Gestão da Educação Especial

O Laboratório de Política e Gestão da Educação Especial (LPGEEs) do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP), organiza nos dias 13, 14 e 15 de dezembro de 2023, o Simpósio de Política e Gestão da Educação Especial (SPGEEs).   A transmissão poderá ser acessada pelo canal oficial do YouTube do IFSP Hortolândia: https://youtube.com/@IFSPHortolandia_oficial?si=Tm2eh84gUqHVwElE    Mais informações sobre o evento estão em: https://hto.ifsp.edu.br/institucional/index.php/ultimas-noticias/1262-simposio-de-politica-e-gestao-da-educacao-especial    Dúvidas ou informações pelo e-mail: lpgees@ifsp.edu.br Read more about Simpósio de Política e Gestão da Educação Especial

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 5 (2020): Pesquisa e Prática em Educação Inclusiva (Fluxo Contínuo)
					View Vol. 3 No. 5 (2020): Pesquisa e Prática em Educação Inclusiva (Fluxo Contínuo)

A publicação desse quinto número evidencia o esforço da Equipe Editorial e de todos os colaboradores da revista em manter a periodicidade semestral com a presença de pesquisadores de todas as regiões do Brasil e com textos qualificados que englobem relatos de pesquisa, relatos de experiência, revisões de literatura e ensaios teóricos. Na atual edição iniciamos com a publicação de textos tão logo estes sejam aprovados pelo Comitê Editorial, o que viabilizará que artigos sejam publicados em fluxo contínuo e não apenas submetidos nesse formato. 



ISSN: 2595-1920

Published: 2020-02-01
View All Issues

The electronic journal named Research and Practice on Inclusive Education is an initiative of the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). It has as goal the dissemination of knowledge about Inclusive Education, with themes related to Special Education, Education of the field, Indigenous Education, Education for Ethnic-racial Relations, Literacy, Education of Young and Adults, Education on Human Rights and Environmental Education. The Journal publishes original articles, mainly of research, however giving space for essays, articles of revision, reports of several kinds of experience, graduation works, interviews and reviews. Files purposed by researchers of three or more Brazilian or international institutions, about the several themes related to the Inclusive Education, can be appreciated.