Analysis of the potential evapotranspiration in Cambará do Sul municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state

Analysis of the potential evapotranspiration in Cambará do Sul municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state


  • Vinicius Santanna Castiglio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Karla Campagnolo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/Doutoranda
  • Masato Kobiyama Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/Professor



Evapotranspiração, Método de Thornthwaite, Método de Penman modificado, Hidroclimatologia


Evapotranspiration, as a part of the hydrological cycle, is classified into two categories: real and potential, where the first represents the natural loss of water to the atmosphere, and the second portrays optimal conditions of balance between evaporation and transpiration. In this work, potential evapotranspiration (ETP) was characterized by the methods of Thornthwaite and modified Penman, and analyzed the data measured at two meteorological stations installed in Cambará do Sul city (RS), during the period from October/2017 to September/2019, and daily insolation data from a conventional station for the same period in the municipality of Bom Jesus (RS). Thus, the main existing discrepancies in the data (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity) measured between the two meteorological stations and the estimated ETP were evaluated, in which one is in an environmentally preserved region and the other in an urbanized area. With the modified Penman method, the INMET Station presents estimate mean evapotranspiration of 1075mm/year meanwhile the GPDEN Station 684mm/year. In the case of the Thornthwaite method with data from the GPDEN Station, the monthly values of ETP were always underestimated, with the exception of January. The obtained results permit to conclude that the modified Penman method generates higher ETP values than those of Thornthwaite method.


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How to Cite

Santanna Castiglio, V., Campagnolo, K., & Kobiyama, M. . (2021). Analysis of the potential evapotranspiration in Cambará do Sul municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state: Analysis of the potential evapotranspiration in Cambará do Sul municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state. REVISTA GEONORTE, 12(39), 26–43.

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