Transition, Child, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, TeacherAbstract
The Case Study aimed to investigate the teacher's perception of the child's transition process between Early Childhood Education and the 1st year of Elementary School. The investigation showed that teachers consider that there is a need for the child to adapt when entering the new study cycle, as the school routine is new and different from early childhood education, especially, with regard to the reduction in playing time and an urgent need for the child be independent/autonomous. The physical space of the classroom becomes the main reference for carrying out pedagogical activities in the 1st year and there is an increase in the amount of school tasks. In the content analysis of the interviews, it was identified that the transition is configured in the preparation of the child for the new demands of the student subject, who, upon reaching the 1st year, is inserted into the systematization of teaching and in the processes of quantitative evaluations, does not emphasize the reception in the condition of being a child.
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