The witness of the other sex: gender relations in the self-report in the History


  • Andréa Bandeira Universidade de Pernambuco



Gender and Decoloniality, Memory and History, Women's History


The experience of “(re)resignification” is a debate among scholars dealing with sources and uses of self-reports. This article advances the existing debate to think about memory and “to tell”, the experience itself in the past and the (re)resignification in times of revisiting and methodological transition, when the new frontiers of the object are: the advances of the movements of empowered women from the conservative milieu of the hegemonic masculine; the stage of the 1964 coup narrated by the defeated, and the conceptual framework of colonial feminism. It is said: memory has sex; the memory sex is the socially dominant sex; the “recounting” of the feminine is amalgamated by the dominant discourse, and to think of gender is to think of the feminine's capacity to overcome dichotomies in themselves and in the narrative. Classic works of Memory and History are taken up; it is supported by C. Guillaumin, H. Saffioti, M. Rago, P. Tabet and María Lugones; The feminist episteme of Gender is confronted with binary thinking to conclude with the analysis of the interviewee's orality, Nida, as she likes to call herself.


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How to Cite

Bandeira, A. (2022). The witness of the other sex: gender relations in the self-report in the History. Canoa Do Tempo, 14, 1–17.



Gender relations: themes, problems and perspectives