The metadiscursive refraction of adventism in the Amazon in "Freedom: the price of life" (2018)


  • Aleandro Gonçalves Leite Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Rondônia



Protestantismo, Amazônia, Adventismo


This analysis seeks to understand the process of expansion of protestantism in the Amazon and its direct relationship with the historical process of exploitation of Latin America by US imperialism. Exercising a strong influence on the “style of life” and on public opinion about certain governments, the different currents of Protestantism exported by the United States accompanied the consolidation of republican positivism in the national construction of Brazil since the end of the 19th century. The Seventh-day Adventist Church (IASD) reached the Amazon through the construction of schools and churches in indigenous communities in the current states of Roraima and Amazonas. In the film under analysis, there is a refraction of the sense of participation in this trajectory of control over “the price of life”, paraphrased in a contemporary context of political legitimization of this control.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves Leite, A. (2022). The metadiscursive refraction of adventism in the Amazon in "Freedom: the price of life" (2018). Canoa Do Tempo, 14, 1–17.



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