Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Among the masks: ethnographic views of the world in pandemic

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Among the masks: ethnographic views of the world in pandemic

What reflections can the images of the pandemic bring, from the perspective of anthropology, on the experiences of living, being, cohabiting, cloistering and reintegrating daily routines reconfigured by the emergence of the coronavirus in different cities around the world? The proposal of this dossier is a contribution to what imagery subjectivities can reveal about the particularities and ways of coping with this health crisis in local contexts. The theme is broad and dynamic. This change follows the trajectory of populations in the search for reformulations and adaptations of their “modes vivendi” crossed by the spectrum of the virus. There is a continuous process of reconfiguration and occupation of spaces, whether collective or within the scope of individualized confinements. The expressiveness of the personal protective masks used during the pandemic can signal a collective strategy of protection against covid 19. Likewise, the symbolic overthrow of historical monuments (of colonizing heroes and protagonists of African trafficking and slavery) by anti-racist movements that ascended during the pandemic, due to the death of the North American George Floyd, may include reflections on the agency of material culture. The imagery narratives of this period provide analysis of structural ruptures in the different ways of life and resistance of societies across the planet, linking the collective to the individual as a mark of a historical-social process. The expected format for contributions to this dossier is free, from a perspective of visual and urban anthropology in different contexts. Graphics, paintings, photographic essays, narratives of art-installations, comparative studies of journalistic images, texts, among other ethnographic approaches are part of the dialogical proposal intended for this edition.

Published: 2022-07-28


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