Questioning the history of rubber soldiers

teaching the Amazon from pedagogical practices in the Amazonian Studies component


  • Zayra Cilene Sousa da Fonseca
  • Mateus Monteiro Lobato Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA



Battle of Rubber, Basic education, Elementary School, Teaching Practices


This work focuses on problematizing the history of the Rubber Soldiers in the face of pedagogical practices related to teaching in the Amazon, in particular, the importance of historical subjects, inserted in an event with war effort objectives. The Battle of Rubber, name given to the event that took place largely in the Amazon, driven by the foreign political situation, that is, the Second World War, led to the migration of approximately 35 thousand people to the region, most of them from the Northeast. A migratory process induced and “organized” by the Federal Government with the support of a group of public and private bodies, created with a single objective: to bring labor to the Amazon. The objective of this work is to propose new methods of teaching the Amazon in the school environment, using them with Basic Education students, in particular, those inserted in the stage that corresponds to the final years of Elementary Education, through the discipline of Amazonian Studies. Therefore, part of this purpose is the interest of presenting the history of the Amazon, the rubber tappers and the Rubber Soldiers in a more didactic way. The practice that guides this work was carried out in a 6th grade class at the Municipal Elementary School Saint Clair Passarinho, in the municipality of Altamira.


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How to Cite

Sousa da Fonseca, Z. C., & Monteiro Lobato, M. (2023). Questioning the history of rubber soldiers: teaching the Amazon from pedagogical practices in the Amazonian Studies component. REVISTA GEONORTE, 14(46).

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