Surdez, Deficiência auditiva, Tecnologia Assistiva, Inclusão educacional, Intérprete de LibrasAbstract
Inclusive education seeks to provide quality educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities or special needs. This essay presents a narrative review that addresses the concepts of “Deafness” and “Hearing Impairment,” analyzing their differences and impacts on educational practice. Furthermore, it explores the essential definitions of Assistive Technology, highlighting its importance as a tool adapted to the individual needs of students with disabilities. The significance of educational inclusion in the context of individuals with hearing loss is discussed with an emphasis on the proper training of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) interpreter as a fundamental element to ensure accessibility and full participation of deaf students in the classroom. The aim of this review is to offer a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis, gathering relevant evidence and perspectives to understand the challenges and benefits related to the differentiation between “Deafness” and “Hearing Impairment,” the application of Assistive Technology, and the training of the Libras interpreter, aiming for inclusive and quality education. Through this understanding, the possibilities offered by Assistive Technology are expanded, with the intention of contributing to the promotion of equal opportunities and the improvement of living and learning conditions for students with hearing disabilities.
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