Experiences in History Teaching

reflections and possibilities in 2023, Crato-CE





Experiences, History Teaching, José Peixoto de Lima School, Crato-CE


This work deals with an experience carried out at the José Peixoto de Lima School, in Crato-CE, alluding to the 259 years of the municipality. The referred one had the participation of 140 students and thought about the importance of knowing the History and the memory that were built in this interstice. This study was carried out with the use of readings


and theoretical foundations, with a view to sedimenting the fundamentals about the scrutinized experience. Our purpose led students in the early grades of elementary school to reflect on several essential points in their education. The methodology employed relied on field research, taking into account information and knowledge that was added throughout the dissemination of the project. Furthermore, as a result, we obtained an enriching experience for all those involved in these activities. The work signaled fundamental knowledge for students, who showed interest and obtained knowledge related to the history of their municipality.

Author Biographies

Edilânio Rodrigues Macário, Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA

Professor do Município de Crato-CE. Possui graduação em História pela Universidade Regional do Cariri, com Especialização em História do Brasil pela mesma IES. É mestre em Educação pela Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA, Ceará, Brasil.


Maria Aldejane Lopes Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA

Possui graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Regional do Cariri-Urca, especialização em Geografia e Meio ambiente pela mesma IES. Especialização em Docência e Gestão da Educação Básica. Mestranda em Educação pela Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA, Ceará, Brasil.


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How to Cite

MACÁRIO, E. R.; SILVA, M. A. L. . Experiences in History Teaching: reflections and possibilities in 2023, Crato-CE. Revista Amazônida: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 1–11, 2024. DOI: 10.29280/rappge.v9i2.13663. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/amazonida/article/view/13663. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.