
  • Vânia Dal Pont Pereira da Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Mrs Federal University of Pelotas




education, technology, teacher training


The present work is the result of an investigation carried out in the Teaching Internship of the Doctoral course in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Pelotas. The research aims to understand the view of students of the Visual Arts course - Licentiate of the Federal University of Pelotas, on the importance of having training for the production of student video and if this training can contribute in a pedagogical way in the educational process of these students. To this end, a qualitative research was used as a methodology, with a case study and an exploratory study carried out with undergraduate students. The inference of the results demonstrates the importance of offering courses that enable undergraduate students to produce student videos

Author Biography

Mrs, Federal University of Pelotas

Doctor and Master in Education (PPGE/FaE/UFPel). Associate Professor at the Arts Center of the Federal University of Pelotas, RS, where she teaches subjects in the area of ​​Fundamentals of Education in Visual Arts. Professor at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE/FaE/UFPel), Master's and Doctorate, in the Research Line "Teacher Training: Teaching, Educational Processes and Practices". Coordinator of the Visual Arts Project at PIBID/UFPel (2014-2018). Leader of the Research Group: Research, Teaching and Teacher Training in the Visual Arts (CNPQ). Degree in Art Education - Fine Arts (1987) and Bachelor in Painting (1990). Specialist in Art-Education, Visual Arts (1990) by ILA/UFPel. Worked as Research Professor I in the Degree Course in Rural Education - CLEC/UFPel - Open University of Brazil - UAB (2013-2014). From 1991 to 2010, she worked as a Visual Arts teacher at the Municipal Elementary School Almirante Raphael Brusque, in Pelotas, RS. It carries out Research, Teaching and Extension activities, with an emphasis on the theme of Teacher Training: Media, Technologies and Visual Arts, Visual Culture, Aesthetic Education and Experience.


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How to Cite

DAL PONT PEREIRA DA SILVA, V.; POLIDORI ZAMPERETTI, M. O STUDENT VIDEO PRODUCTION IN THE CONCEPTION OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT UFPEL. Revista Amazônida: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 01, 2023. DOI: 10.29280/rappge.v7i01.11088. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/amazonida/article/view/11088. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.