A recepção de Imortais (2011) de Tarsem Singh nas tendências históricas monumental, antiquária e ética-crítica
Immortals, Reception, CinemaAbstract
In order to analyze the reception of ancient Greek material in Immortals (2011), historical tendencies outlined by Nietzsche (2003) and applied to epic cinema by Deleuze (1985), Burgoyne (2008), and the author (2022) are employed—namely, monumental history, antiquarian history, and ethical-critical history. Through monumentalism, the film highlights the theme of the hero’s immortality, reflected in both morality and certain monumental edifices. As for the antiquarian aspect, the film employs it sparingly, drawing comparisons to the Renaissance, particularly to Caravaggio. Finally, from an ethical-critical perspective, Immortals (2011) engages in debates surrounding free will, belief and disbelief in the divine, predestined fate, and the Manichean struggle between good and evil—issues that resonate within the contemporary context of the production, particularly with the director himself.
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