The defense of the city of Jerusalem and its temple in the book of Judith and 1 Maccabees: a dialogue between trauma, globalism and memory


  • Victor Passuello Universidade Estadual de Goiás



Keywords: Trauma, Memory, Hellenistic Global History


In this paper we will explain why the author of the book of Judith wrote a fictional and theological history of the Jews of the Second Temple Period. We will argue that his narrative was inspired, to some extent, by the traumatic events that are narrated in the book of 1 Maccabees. However, the author of the book of Judith rewrote these historical events, because he wanted to create a new fictional, global, and theological history about the defence of the city of Jerusalem and its Temple. Consequently, a new memory of the Jewish history that combined the memory of the past tradition of the Bible with the current traditions of the Jews in the Hellenistic Age were established.

Keywords: Trauma, Memory, Hellenistic Global History


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How to Cite

Passuello, V. (2024). The defense of the city of Jerusalem and its temple in the book of Judith and 1 Maccabees: a dialogue between trauma, globalism and memory. Canoa Do Tempo, 16, 1–27.



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