A História Antiga em movimento: a História Global como possibilidade às novas abordagens


  • Emilly Nayra Soares Albuquerque UFAM
  • Ramon Nere de Lima Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul




Narratives. Ancient History. Eurocentrism. Global History.


This paper aims to reflect on the Eurocentric narratives that were consolidated in Ancient History, which exalted the stories of certain peoples considered to have sociocultural superiority. It is evident that these narratives were used to justify the discrimination and silencing of peoples whose trajectories were suppressed to the detriment of a reference of civilization based on European parameters. In order to rethink the elaboration and permanence of compartmentalized macro-histories in Ancient History, the perspectives of Global History will be articulated as a methodology that enables exchanges across borders, nations and other categorizations that limit an investigation that articulates global processes.


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How to Cite

Soares Albuquerque, E. N., & Nere de Lima , R. . (2024). A História Antiga em movimento: a História Global como possibilidade às novas abordagens. Canoa Do Tempo, 16, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.38047/rct.v16.FC.2024.da1.p.1.26



Dossiê - História Antiga em perspectiva: projeções e desafios futuros