(Re)Encontrando Pausânias: uma investigação da descrição da Grécia à luz da historiografia
Pausanias, Description of Greece, PeriēgēsisAbstract
Pausanias' Description of Greece, written in the 2nd century AD, is composed of ten books detailing specific regions of mainland Greece. Besides providing a geographical description of each location, Pausanias offers a narrative that spans from the founding myths to his contemporary period, with a special focus on artistic monuments, religious rituals, and political issues. This article analyzes the work, exploring its historical context and reception, the chronology and composition of the texts, and debates regarding the authorship and literary genre of the Periēgēsis, which may or may not be classified as a historiographical work. The discussion also highlights the life of Pausanias, who was likely from Lydia, and the enduring impact of Description of Greece on classical antiquity studies.
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