A história indígena e do indigenismo no presentismo como considerações teórico-metodológicas: tempo, poder, cultura e identidade
História Indígena, Indigenismo, Teoria da História.Abstract
This essay aims to understand and analyze 'presentism' as a concept and theory within the and theory within the theme of Indigenous History and Indigenism in the present time, with a focus on Brazilian historiography and the Amazon region, and its developments in studies from the second half of the 20th century onwards. the second half of the 20th century and its correlations with the concept of 'power' from Michel Foucault's analysis, culture and identity in the analysis of Zygmunt Bauman and Theory and Historiography, presentism and strata of time in François Hartog and Reinhart Koselleck. the article into four discussion topics. 1) A brief reflection on history and indigenism; 2) Indigenous and Indigenism, power and time; 3) Indigenous History and and Indigenism, culture and time; 4) Indigenous History and Indigenism, identity and time.
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