Geoconservation strategies in protected areas in the low Negro River region: a preliminary approach
Amazon, Geotourism, Geological Heritage, Conservation UnitsAbstract
A geoconservation strategy, supported by scientific knowledge, should be supported by nature conservation and land use planning policies, in addition to maintaining strong links with educational issues and nature tourism. In this research geoconservation practices were adopted, represented by the modules of diagnosis (data collection and evaluation), conservation (legal protection and monitoring) and promotion (dissemination actions) as a way to integrate geoscientific knowledge to environmental protection issues in protected areas and their surroundings in the lower Negro River. As a social strategy geoeducation and social learning approaches were carried out in the stages of socialization and integration for initial approach to the communities involved. The preliminary inventory of the geological heritage, followed by a qualitative and quantitative evaluation, included 32 sites of geological interest representative of the main geological processes and materials in the research area. As a promotional tool, aerial surveys were carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle, and as preliminary items for promoting geodiversity, digital products were generated that include 10 3D models, 37 360-degree panoramic images, and 117 videos that will serve as inputs for promotional resources and environmental interpretation. The monitoring and legal classification of the sites according to the Brazilian legislation in force will be analyzed in the future, allowing the conservation of the sites in the face of the threats they may face. These steps demand specific methodologies, constituting an important step in geoconservation strategies.
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