
  • Marcela Vieira Pereira Mafra Universidade do Estado do Amazonas




Ensino de Geografia, Amazônia, Elementos físicos-naturais


The Amazon is an important issue on the national and international scene due to the environmental services it carries out, such as carbon storage, maintaining the Earth's climatic balance and high biodiversity. Understanding the difficulties and challenges faced by Amazon teachers in addressing the physical-natural elements of this region is important. They contribute a lot by teaching and sensitizing the local population about the physical-natural wealth and environmental services provided by this environmental complex, whose services reflect on the quality of life of all people in the world. This article aims to describe and analyze what knowledge is mobilized by teachers to teach the contents related to the physical-natural elements of the Amazon and the difficulties and challenges for the teacher in the teaching-learning process of these contents in the Geography of Teaching classes Fundamental II. The research is guided by qualitative research methodology and content analysis. Questionnaires were applied to fifty teachers from the Municipal Education Network in the city of Manaus, Brazil. According to the survey, teachers point out difficulty in mastering the knowledge of the content of rocks, soil and relief and point out the need for a specific discipline to address the specificities of the Amazon region. 


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How to Cite

Vieira Pereira Mafra, M. (2023). ELEMENTOS FÍSICOS-NATURAIS DA AMAZÔNIA NA PERSPECTIVA DOS PROFESSORES DE GEOGRAFIA. REVISTA GEONORTE, 14(44). https://doi.org/10.21170/geonorte.2023.V.14.N.44.238.252