HEPATITIS IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON: A LITERATURE REVIEW/ Hepatite na Amazônia Legal: uma revisão de literatura


  • So Yon Jun Department of Environmental Health, Harvard University




Abstract: This paper examines the prevalence of hepatitis in the Brazilian Amazon and efforts to reduce the spread of the disease. Widespread hepatitis in areas along the Amazon continues to be a source of concern for Brazilian public health officials as it suggests low levels of sanitation and overall awareness of the disease. It is often difficult to obtain health data in the Brazilian Amazon because of the difficulty of accessing and assessing threat in these areas. A bibliometric review of hepatitis in the Brazilian Amazon reveals a paucity of data and research on the issue. As changes in the environment and climate will most likely lead to an increased disease burden amongst both rural and urban populations, there is a need for a comprehensive study on dynamics of hepatitis infection amongst Brazilians living in the Amazon region. Public health officials and government agencies must work together to obtain longitudinal data on hepatitis transmission.


Keywords: hepatitis, Brazilian Amazon, public health

Biografia do Autor


Departamento de Geografia

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade da Amazônia

Nucleo de Estudos e Pesquisas das Cidades na Amazônia Brasileira.


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Como Citar

Jun, S. Y., & Schor, T. (2018). HEPATITIS IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON: A LITERATURE REVIEW/ Hepatite na Amazônia Legal: uma revisão de literatura. REVISTA GEONORTE, 9(33), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.21170/geonorte.2018.V.9.N.33.01.015


