
  • Tatiane Cristina Rodrigues Lessa Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Isabela Vicenzo Sgobbi Tulio Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP - Campus Araraquara


Creches. Educação Infantil. Estágio.


The present work is characterized as an experience report, constructed from the experiences realized during the Supervised Curricular Internship in Early Childhood Education: crèches, as part of the compulsory activities of the graduation course in Pedagogy offered by a State Public University located in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The internship was carried out in a philanthropic public day care center, nursery room 1 that included children between 6 months to 1 year and 6 months of age and a teacher with a teaching profession who had been working in the nursery for 6 years. The stage lasted for 100 hours. The observations made evidenced some aspects already found in the literature related to Early Childhood Education such as the assistance aspect and the prioritization of care activities to the detriment of appropriate attempts to develop with the children attending the institution. Also highlighted was the lack of pedagogical resources in the day care center and the non-accomplishment of the activities planned in the planning of the room despite the presence of a pedagogical political project adequate for the activities for each age group. It is believed that the present work brings contributions to reflections on the education in the childhood, especially in the scope of the creches, besides guiding future works on the theme of crèches and supervised internships in the courses of Pedagogy.

Keywords: Nursery. Child Education. Internship Supervised.


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How to Cite

Lessa, T. C. R., & Tulio, I. V. S. (2018). DESAFIOS E POSSIBILIDADES DENTRO DE UMA CRECHE FILANTRÓPICA: RELATO DE UMA EXPERIÊNCIA DE ESTÁGIO. Jornal Research and Practice on Inclusive Education, 1(1), 127–137. Retrieved from //



Reports of Several Kinds of Experience