Integral education from the perspective of Sociology teachers
Integral education, Sociology, TeachersAbstract
The present work constitutes an excerpt from the dissertation research of the Professional Master's Degree in Sociology in National Network. Global changes in contemporaneity demand from high schools the need to structure possibilities for an effective educational public policy, committed to the multiple needs of the Brazilian population. Thus, educational systems must foresee omnilaterality, aiming at integral education, as a perspective of improving the efficiency of the pedagogical process. As education, according to Durkheim (1978) is an eminently social subject, both for its origins and for its functions, the objective of this work is to understand the place of sociology in comprehensive education, from the perspective of sociology teachers. Methodologically, a qualitative approach was used, with document analysis, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with teachers. The data obtained brought a look at sociology as a way of enhancing the formation of man required by contemporary society.
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