Arte de Enseñar; Enseñanza Remota de Emergencia; Pandemia de COVID-19; Práctica Docente.Abstract
This paper presents a plurality of views of teachers who have been directly involved and working on the emergency remote education (ERE), due the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent closing of schools, one of various actions undertaken to minimize the difficulties that have arised. ERE's relevance is reflected in the actions and reactions of those involved, which provide feedback to structuring public policies that could motivate and encourage quality education. The following research question guided this manuscript: what are the main lessons learned by the teachers involved in the remote education and further reopening of schools? The methodology adopted was exploratory research with a qualitative investigation approach. Data collection was performed through an online questionnaire answered by teachers who have worked on the remote education instead of on their classrooms due to the emergency presented. The main unveiled lessons learned: the need to improve the training on teaching while using digital technologies by means of specific graduate disciplines; awareness of the remote education as an unavoidable present reality; and the urge to include in the Political Pedagogical Projects viable alternatives for teaching, learning and evaluating, as well as on parent-teacher or class council meetings: aiming to collect as much feedback as possible, both positive and negative. As a conclusion, as teachers we must recalculate routes, minimize the doubts that arise in practice, in order to adapt to the new technological strategies to the art of teaching.
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