
  • Larissa Manfredo Soares Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Ivan Carlos da Costa Barbosa Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Ayslla Mendonça dos Santos Santos Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Emerson Renato Maciel da Silva Federal University of Pará
  • Albertino Monteiro Neto Federal Rural University of the Amazon



Environmental diagnosis, Chemical quality, Solid waste


Soil has been one of the main spheres affected by poor solid waste management, which has had a direct impact on its productivity, due to changes in its physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the chemical characteristics of the soil in the vicinity of the dump in the municipality of Castanhal according to local seasonality and its environmental dynamics. For this, soil samples were collected at three points close to the dump, and a reference point in an area of ​​vegetation away from it, in the months of March and October 2018. For the collection of the points, the percentage difference of the slope in the chosen area was considered. In addition, to collect data on environmental characteristics, an environmental assessment form was developed based on the questionnaire of the MESMIS methodology, adapted to the study area. To observe the chemical quality of the points, the results of the analyzes performed were compared with reference values ​​found in the literature. The results showed the influence of the garbage on the characteristics of the soil when compared to the reference area. It was observed that the difference in slope between the points was not a significant factor for the results of the chemical analysis found in the points, but their environmental conditions. From the environmental diagnosis, differences were observed between the points near the dump and the reference point, such as: soil cover, presence of erosion, presence of garbage, among others.


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Author Biographies

Larissa Manfredo Soares, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Degree in environmental engineering and renewable energies at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA). During her studies, she acted as a monitor of the disciplines of analytical chemistry and applied chemistry at UFRA. She has worked as a volunteer at the Institute for Environmental Research in the Amazon (IPAM), supporting studies, organizing events and advising grassroots organizations and social movements in agrarian reform in the Amazon. He holds a high school diploma in computer science from Faculdades Integradas Ipiranga.

Ivan Carlos da Costa Barbosa, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Science with a Degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Pará (2005 - 2009), Belém-Pará and a Master's degree in Chemistry: area of ​​concentration in Analytical Chemistry from the same institution (2009 - 2011) . She holds the title of Specialist in Teaching Methodology in Biology and Chemistry (Uniter), Specialist in Distance Education: Management and Mentoring (Uniasselvi) and Specialist in Ludopedagogy (Uniasselvi). He has already served as a distance tutor-teacher in the METALLURGY distance course at the Open Technical School of Brazil (E-TEC BRASIL) and the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA) between 2010 and 2013. He also served as an AD-4 teacher - Chemistry by the State Secretary of Education of the State of Pará between 06/2011 to 11/2012. Currently, he works as an effective professor (Adjunct II) -Area: Chemistry-by the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (Campus Belém) from 11/2012 to the present date. PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Pará (04/2017 to 12/2020).

Ayslla Mendonça dos Santos Santos, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energies at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (2018 - Current). She is currently a scientific initiation scholarship holder (PIBIC -CNPq) from the Agricultural Technology Center-CTA, where she develops activities with an emphasis on water quality.

Emerson Renato Maciel da Silva, Federal University of Pará

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineer and Renewable Energies from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (2012-2017), the title of Specialist in Georeferencing of Rural Properties by the Postgraduate and Courses Institute (2017-2019) and the title of Master in Environmental Sciences: area of ​​concentration in Climate, Society and Environment by the Federal University of Pará (2018-2020). He has knowledge and experience as a teacher of technical and medium level, since he taught disciplines of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Introduction to Logistics, Quality and Environmental Management and General Metallurgy, in the Educational Group IEPAM. In addition, he has laboratory experiences for being a monitor of Analytical, General and Applied Chemistry, working in the laboratory with physical-chemical and chemical analyzes. In addition, he has knowledge and experience in the areas of Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing, as well as in programming language in R and experiences in people management, leadership and systemic vision, with a focus on results and communication, for having participated in activities in the Project. extension Local Integrated Development: Socioeconomics, Protection and Environmental Rehabilitation of the Rio Guamá Microbasin, Pará, Brazil (PROEX No. 006/2014 RIO GUAMÁ PROJECT), in the stage of analysis and monitoring of the water quality of the Guamá River, where he was responsible by the laboratory analysis team. He participated in the Vale do Acará Project Local development: The generation of work, income and food in communities in Vale do Acará, Pará, Brazil (PROPED No. 012017-659). He was part of the organization and management of the water quality monitoring and evaluation team of the Rio Apeú, Castanhal-PA, in the project entitled Restoration and Recomposition of Flora and Fauna and the Water Quality Monitoring of the Rio Apeú.

Albertino Monteiro Neto, Federal Rural University of the Amazon

Graduating in Environmental Engineering & Renewable Energies from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (2016). He received a PIBIC-CNPq scholarship from the Hydroclimatic Modeling Laboratory of the Amazon (2018-2019), developing activities on the theme of environmental modeling. He is currently a PIBIC-UFRA scholarship holder at the Agricultural Technology Center (2020) developing activities related to water quality, land use and occupation, geoprocessing and remote sensing.


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How to Cite

Manfredo Soares, L. ., da Costa Barbosa, I. C. ., Mendonça dos Santos Santos, A., Maciel da Silva, E. R., & Monteiro Neto, A. (2022). CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOIL AND SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IN THE AREA OF INFLUENCE OF THE CASTANHAL - PA DUMP . REVISTA GEONORTE, 12(40), 92–113.