Gullies in mining areas as landscape part of the Guama river watershed, Eastern Amazon

Gullies in mining areas as landscape part of the Guama river watershed, Eastern Amazon


  • Isabela Farias Lima Instituto Tecnológico Vale
  • Aline Maria Meiguins de Lima Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Nicolau Akio Kubota Universidade Federal do Pará



Erosão, Uso da terra, Atividade mineral


The mineral activity in the hydrographic basin of the Guamá River (northeastern of the Pará state) operates mainly close to water bodies generating environmental impacts. Such as the development of erosive features. This work aimed to evaluate the components of the natural and anthropic landscape that condition the development of erosive features in the sub-basins of the medium-high course of the Guamá River; and how these conditions favored the development of gullies resulting from the mineral activity. The associated methodology involved the landscape evaluation in a GIS environment (physiographic and land use aspects) and the gully characterization in fields, using a specific protocol. The results indicate that the sub-basins evaluated already have about 54% of their territory destined for agricultural use and 42% with remaining or secondary forest cover. And the area defined as the influence area of mineral activity contains more than 50% of alteration, mainly affecting the riparian zone. The results indicate that the evolution of mineral activity in the region has not sustainably, which favors the emergence of gullies. The recovery process is already in the highest cost range, which implies a higher pressure on the mineral sector to reduce these impacts.


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2021-06-29 — Updated on 2022-03-03


How to Cite

Farias Lima, I. ., Meiguins de Lima, A. M. ., & Akio Kubota, N. . (2022). Gullies in mining areas as landscape part of the Guama river watershed, Eastern Amazon: Gullies in mining areas as landscape part of the Guama river watershed, Eastern Amazon. REVISTA GEONORTE, 12(39), 149–169. (Original work published June 29, 2021)

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