Agrarian conflicts in front of new territorial dynamics in maranhense field (1985 - 2018)

Agrarian conflicts in front of new territorial dynamics in maranhense field (1985 - 2018)


  • Thiago Ronyerisson Silva Costa Universidade Estadual do Maranhão – UEMA
  • José Sampaio de Mattos Junior Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA
  • Ronaldo Barros Sodré Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA
  • Igor Breno Barbosa de Sousa Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais – IFNMG



Capital. Conflito. Estado. Território.


Maranhão is an essentially agrarian state, encompassing the largest rural population in Brazil, and also has a historically concentrated land order, due to the process of incorporation and territorialization conceived by the capital, a process facilitated in its historical context by the state apparatus. Thus, this article proposes to analyze the role of the State and its dynamics of power transfer to capital, as a determining factor for the territorialization process, which materializes in conflicts and exclusion of workers in the Maranhão countryside. The research was based on the historical and dialectical materialism method with a quantitative approach. Specialized bibliography on the subject, secondary data and tabulation software, data auditing and the making of maps were used as a complement. The results obtained elucidate the high rate of land conflicts in Maranhão, which trigger the processes of conflicts and their conflicts in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to foster the articulation of movements within the social structure in order to build an effective land policy, which can and should be part of a political strategy aimed at fighting inequality, misery and unemployment at the same time, and contribute to overcoming the current model of land concentration, to placate the process of conflicts and conflicts, and to build a society where life is more important than the interests of capital.


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How to Cite

Costa, T. R. S., Mattos Junior, J. S. de, Sodré, R. B. ., & Sousa, I. B. B. de . (2020). Agrarian conflicts in front of new territorial dynamics in maranhense field (1985 - 2018): Agrarian conflicts in front of new territorial dynamics in maranhense field (1985 - 2018). REVISTA GEONORTE, 11(38), 243–257.