Morphometric analysis and land use of the hydrographic basin of córrego da Onça, Presidente Prudente- SP

Morphometric analysis and land use of the hydrographic basin of córrego da Onça, Presidente Prudente- SP


  • Edmiler José Silva Degrande Unesp/Presidente Prudente
  • Glauber Verner Firmino Unesp/ Presidente Prudente



Morfometria; Bacia hidrográfica; Planejamento ambiental.


This work aims to analyze the morphometric characteristics and land use in the hydrographic basin of the Onça stream, in the municipality of Presidente Prudente-SP, as a subsidy to the environmental planning of the area in question. The study starts from the theoretical and methodological assumption exposed by Christofoletti (1980), analyzing data regarding the morphometric characteristics: linear, area and hypsometric of the basin and also its relations with land use. Base data were extracted from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission images - SRTM, which were processed in the software Arc Gis 10.3 and Google Earth, and then, the morphometric values ​​were calculated, the land use mapping was performed using Landsat 7 and 8 satellite images. From the quantitative results obtained, the hydrographic basin of the Onça stream was classified as dendritic drainage, having a 4th order drainage hierarchy. Its classification as rectangular, of elongated shape, gives it some stability regarding the risk of floods, considering its average annual precipitation, without extreme events. The low drainage density and the medium roughness index of the relief reinforce the stability of the basin to flood peaks, however, the predominance of soils susceptible to erosion, in addition to the process of inadequate occupation of the area, demonstrate the need for drainage procedures sustainable land use and management. In this way, the applied methodology and the results obtained have been shown to be important as a tool for environmental planning and consequently in mitigating adverse environmental impacts.


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Author Biography

Glauber Verner Firmino, Unesp/ Presidente Prudente

Mestrando em geografia pela Unesp de Presidente Prudente


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How to Cite

Degrande, E. J. S., & Firmino, G. V. (2020). Morphometric analysis and land use of the hydrographic basin of córrego da Onça, Presidente Prudente- SP: Morphometric analysis and land use of the hydrographic basin of córrego da Onça, Presidente Prudente- SP. REVISTA GEONORTE, 11(38), 125–145.