Changes in the geographical environment and interventions in water bodies: The silting of the Piató channel - Assú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.

Changes in the geographical environment and interventions in water bodies: The silting of the Piató channel - Assú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.


  • Joshuá Davinci Nunes Rocha Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Rafael Pereira da Silva Universidade Aberta do Brasil – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Geographical Environment, Deforestation, Piató /RN channel


Deforestation is a periodic measure that aims to keep the depth and the course of the water body constant, because in periods of low rainfall the river can undergo anthropogenic or natural changes that make it less deep. The deposition of sediments or objects such as garbage in its bed, contributes to that in times of more intense rain the water that passes through the channel exceeds the pre-established limits by its banks. Thus, the present work seeks to understand the social and environmental impacts caused by the process of deforestation in the Piató channel. This channel is being debated in the Municipality of Assú, and it has already undergone other deforestation interventions, according to reports of local residents, but without success. A fact that occurred between the 40's and 50's, by the then mayor Edgar Borges Montenegro, in the years between 1948 and 1953. In view of problems that may be caused by the dewatering of the canal, we will seek to understand the socio-environmental impacts resulting from the recovery of the Piató Canal. The technical team of SEMARH (Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources of the State of Rio Grande do Norte), is conducting the topographic and environmental studies in loco to later, to start the reconstruction of the Piató channel. SEMARH expresses concern about the real possibility of supplying Piató Lagoon with the waters of the canal in rainy periods or not, and also the best place for the beginning of the deforestation works inside the Piató channel.


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Author Biographies

Joshuá Davinci Nunes Rocha, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte


Rafael Pereira da Silva, Universidade Aberta do Brasil – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Universidade Aberta do Brasil – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



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How to Cite

Rocha, J. D. N. ., & Silva, R. P. da . (2021). Changes in the geographical environment and interventions in water bodies: The silting of the Piató channel - Assú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.: Changes in the geographical environment and interventions in water bodies: The silting of the Piató channel - Assú, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. REVISTA GEONORTE, 12(39), 253–276.