
  • Renata de Souza E.M. José Bandeira
  • Marina Lucia de Oliveira Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
  • Marcelle Carla A. dos S. Barbosa Universidade Candido Mendes
  • Marcela P. G. Garcia da Rosa Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • José Ricardo A. de Freitas Faculdades Maria Thereza
  • Luciano César da Costa Universidade Federal Fluminense




Ensino de geografia e transdisciplinaridade; Geotecnologias; Práticas pedagógicas inovadoras.


Seeking to bring and deepen the knowledge and knowledge of the place where students live, foster and encourage care for the city and the environment and develop critical thinking, talents, skills, and the generation of solutions and preserve the memory and links of belonging between the school community and the history of the

municipality, a team of teachers from the José Bandeira Municipal School designed the project “Know to Protect: Saquarema”, as an innovative pedagogical practice. In this era of computerization and virtual relationships, this project is based on a pedagogical practice that seeks to engage students more in issues of the place where they live, through external classes in prominent points of geographic, historical and tourist knowledge in the Municipality of Saquarema, and of interpersonal relationships. Allied to this and the understanding that the generation of digital natives needs a technological stimulus so that they develop greater interest in the subjects brought up by the school, we chose to insert in this process of pedagogical practice, the use of geoprocessing technology, in Google Earth Pro and Google Maps, generating location maps of the points that were visited.


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How to Cite

de Souza, R., de Oliveira, M. L. ., A. dos S. Barbosa, M. C. ., P. G. Garcia da Rosa, M. ., A. de Freitas, J. R. ., & César da Costa, L. . (2024). O USO DE FERRAMENTAS DE GEOPROCESSAMENTO GRATUITAS (GOOGLE EARTH PRO E GOOGLE MAPS) PARA PROJETOS DE ENGAJAMENTO DOS ALUNOS NAS PRÁTICAS DE CONHECIMENTO E PROTEÇÃO DO LUGAR DE VIVÊNCIA. REVISTA GEONORTE, 15(49). https://doi.org/10.21170/geonorte.2024.V.15.N.49.61.78