Vegetation Density and Its Interference in Climatic Elements

Comparative Analysis between the Rainy and Dry Seasons in Presidente Prudente (SP)


  • William Miyakava Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Presidente Prudente (FCT - UNESP)
  • Margarete Cristiane de Costa Trindade Amorim Faculdade de Ciências a Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCT/UNESP)



Urban Climate, Urban Heat Island, Climate rhythm, Vegetation cover


The present study aimed to investigate the effects of urban agroforestry agriculture on climate elements in Presidente Prudente (SP). It was hypothesized that vegetation cover combined with urban agriculture has a positive influence on the dynamics of urban climate. To do this, we recorded data on temperature and relative humidity in representative months of the rainy (February) and dry (July) seasons of 2021, using automatic sensors at three points with different land cover characteristics in Presidente Prudente: two urban areas (one densely built-up and one with vegetation/agroforestry) and a rural point. From the collection, organization, tabulation, and treatment of the data, it was possible to calculate the difference in temperature and humidity at the above-mentioned points and represent them in space-time panels, together with rhythmic analysis graphs, which allowed us to identify the occurrence of the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon in the daytime and nighttime periods. The low precipitation, related to the high variation in direction and high wind speed during February, resulted in higher intensities and magnitudes of the UHI both during the day and at night. The month of July, on the other hand, presented low wind speed and little variation in direction, with no precipitation and the predominant presence of stable atmospheric systems, which resulted in a greater homogenization of the daytime UHI, unlike the nighttime UHI, which remained heterogeneous with high intensity and magnitude. Finally, it was verified the extreme importance of vegetation in influencing urban climate.


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Author Biographies

William Miyakava, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Presidente Prudente (FCT - UNESP)

Environmental Technician from Guaracy Silveira State Technical School (2016). Graduated (2021), Bachelor's Degree (2023), and currently pursuing a Master's degree in Geography at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology - São Paulo State University, Presidente Prudente Campus. He is a researcher at the Research Group on Interactions in the Earth's Surface, Water, and Atmosphere - GAIA, FCT/UNESP. He was a researcher at the Agrarian Reform Studies, Research, and Projects Center - NERA, and a collaborator of the DATALUTA Network (2017). He served as a PIBIC scholarship recipient (2022-2023) and as a CAPES scholarship recipient through the Geography Pedagogical Residency Program - FCT/UNESP (2020-2022). He has experience in Geography, with a focus on Geographic Climatology and topics related to Urban Climate and Heat Islands.

Margarete Cristiane de Costa Trindade Amorim, Faculdade de Ciências a Tecnologia - Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCT/UNESP)

Productivity Research Scholar 1B. Free lecturer by UNESP-FCT (2017). PhD in Geography (Physical Geography) from the University of São Paulo, Brazil (2000). Master's degree in Geography from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Presidente Prudente, Brazil (1993); Internship at the University of Rennes II, France (2007); Postdoctoral studies at the University of Porto (2008/2009). Assistant professor and doctoral coordinator at the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography at FCT/UNESP from June 1, 2010, to May 31, 2013. Master's thesis advisor. PhD thesis advisor. Works in Physical Geography, with emphasis on the following topics: urban climate and urban environmental quality. President of the Brazilian Climatology Association from November 2018 to August 2021.


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How to Cite

Miyakava, W., & Cristiane de Costa Trindade Amorim, M. . (2023). Vegetation Density and Its Interference in Climatic Elements: Comparative Analysis between the Rainy and Dry Seasons in Presidente Prudente (SP). REVISTA GEONORTE, 14(46).