Survey of geogenic and anthropic groundwater contamination in the city of Novo Airão, Amazonas state, Brazil


  • Amanda Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Departamento de Geociências, Graduação em Geologia
  • Ingo Wahnfried Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Departamento de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências
  • Lucindo Antunes Fernandes Neto Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências



Hidrogeologia, Contaminação geogênica, Nitrato, Novo Airão


Global hydrochemical groundwater models have identified areas with a high probability of arsenic, manganese, iron and aluminum occurrence. Driven by these results, studies carried out in the Amazon region used data from geology, soil, climate and topography to verify the occurrence of these metals in groundwater. In addition, the absence of wastewater collection and treatment systems negatively impacts groundwater quality. This article presents the hydrochemical characterization of aquifers in the urban area of Novo Airão, State of Amazonas, Brazil, and identifies wells where contamination is present. Samples were collected from 21 tube wells used by the population. Measurements of pH, Eh, temperature and alkalinity were taken in-situ. Anions and cations were analyzed in Manaus. Seven of the 21 analysis results were within acceptable ionic balance error limits. Four of the seven had concentrations above drinking water quality standards (DWQS) for aluminum, and at high concentrations but within DWQS for nitrate. One sample had a value above DWQS for manganese and iron, and also had the highest concentration of arsenic, although within DWQS. This Fe+Mn+As association was also found in other areas of the Amazon. Only two samples had all values within DWQS. The lack of consistent geological data in the analyzed wells prevented the identification of the geogenic contaminant mobilization processes. Nitrate contamination most likely originates from in-situ effluent disposal systems, such as cesspits, since Novo Airão does not have a wastewater collection and treatment network.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A., Wahnfried, I., & Antunes Fernandes Neto, L. (2024). Survey of geogenic and anthropic groundwater contamination in the city of Novo Airão, Amazonas state, Brazil. REVISTA GEONORTE, 15(48).