Pioneer occupation, urban network formation, and spatial distribution of socioeconomic indicators in productive regions of tocantins and bahia


  • ORIMAR SOUZA SANTANA SOBRINHO Universidade de Brasília
  • Fernando Luiz Araújo Sobrinho Universidade de Brasília



Agribusiness; Socioeconomic Indicators; Urban Network; MATOPIBA; Eastern Mesoregion of Tocantins and Far Most Western Mesoregion of Bahia.


This study analyzes the pioneer occupation and formation of the urban network, as well as the spatial distribution of socioeconomic and population indicators between 2000 and 2010 to understand the reality of the municipalities of the Eastern Mesoregion of Tocantins and the Far Most Western Mesoregion of Bahia, in this period. In these two regions, the restructuring of agricultural production required technical innovations and changes to the traditional production systems that caused repercussions inside cities and in people's lives. We assume that the historical process of occupation and formation of urban centers conditioned the concentration of the population and activities in specific municipalities, therefore generating a concentration of the best living conditions and human development. The research was guided by a review of the literature on the formation of the network of cities in these regions, and an analysis of the results of the 2000 and 2010 Demographic Census and the Atlas Brazil for the elaboration of cartographic documents that can be subsidy for future studies based on updated data from the 2022 Census, now and the political, economic, environmental and cultural factors, that in the long term guaranteed in progress. It is expected to understand past processes that conditioned the emergence of cities the permanence and transformations that occurred in the dynamics of human development in this segment of the urban network.


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How to Cite

SOUZA SANTANA SOBRINHO, O., & Luiz Araújo Sobrinho, F. . (2024). Pioneer occupation, urban network formation, and spatial distribution of socioeconomic indicators in productive regions of tocantins and bahia. REVISTA GEONORTE, 15(50).