Extreme events of air temperature and cardiorespiratory diseases in Manaus/AM


  • Beatriz Lima Universidade Federal Do Amazonas (UFAM)




Circulatory Diseases; Respiratory Diseases; Thermal Extremes.


The goal of this research was to analyze the influence of air extreme temperature associated with social vulnerability conditions related to the occurrence of cardiorespiratory diseases in Manaus. For that was gathered data of maximum and minimum temperature from Instituto Nacional de Metereologia (INMET) from the years 1990 to 2020 as well as secondary data of circulatory and respiratory diseases from the years 2008 to 2020 available in the online database of Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS) these were statistically treated with descriptive techniques. The results showed that circulatory system diseases have a seasonality in view of the dry period having 50,21% and 49,79% on the rainy. In the same way, respiratory diseases show a seasonality of 52,81% in the rainy period and 47,19% on the dry period. In the daily analysis from 2016 to 2020 was noticed there isn’t much difference in seasonality from those diseases mainly in the respiratory diseases while the circulatory diseases do not have a seasonality well defined. As for temperature extremes, the majority of ocurrences was concentrated in the dry period, it was also possible to verify that morbities were weakly correlated, despite the satistical significance in relation to extreme events. The analysis of vulnerability indicator showed that areas that lack infrastructure for the population, increasing risks in the involvement of different pathologies. The research carried out was important to highlight the temporal-spatial aspects of extreme thermal events and diseases in Manaus and its results have the potential to support public policies.


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How to Cite

Lima, B., & Aleixo, N. C. R. (2023). Extreme events of air temperature and cardiorespiratory diseases in Manaus/AM. REVISTA GEONORTE, 14(43). https://doi.org/10.21170/geonorte.2023.V.14.N.43.78.96

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