
  • Marck de Souza Torres Uninorte Acre
  • Maria Lidiane Carvalho da Silva Faculdade Barão do Rio Branco (FAB)
  • Reruza Andina Pereira dos Santos Sousa Faculdade Barão do Rio Branco (FAB)


Inclusão, TEA, Escola


The present study aims to report the experience of including a student with ASD in elementary school, based on the experience report of two teachers from a municipal school in Rio Branco. The subject of the analysis was an autistic student, from the 5th year of elementary school I. The discussion took place from the behavioral aspects in the regular classroom and in the other spaces of the school. Records were kept for four years, with visits at the student's home, observations on outings, conversations with parents and close relatives. During this period the student was accompanied by a special education professional called Mediator and an ESA teacher to mediate any inclusive process. Research results indicate that regular school has advanced towards the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs but still leaves much to be desired in some essential aspects, such as teacher training / qualification, requiring investment in specialized didactic material as well as well as in the improvement of teamwork, which enables everyone to understand the processes of development of teaching learning of these students, so that inclusion can be promoted with responsibility. It is concluded that there is a possibility for a TEA student to socialize, socialize and develop in a diversified environment, provided that the school is able to promote the appropriate conditions to receive this student and offer him a quality care.


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How to Cite

Torres, M. de S., da Silva, M. L. C., & Sousa, R. A. P. dos S. (2018). THE INCLUSION OF AUTISM STUDENTS IN THE MUNICIPAL EDUCATION NETWORK IN THE WESTERN AMAZON. Jornal Research and Practice on Inclusive Education, 1(1), 138–145. Retrieved from //



Reports of Several Kinds of Experience