New perspectives about the use of probiotics in diets to broilers
The aim of this review was to discuss updates in the studies about probiotics in diets to broilers, focusing in their influences on animal performance, and intestinal and organic characteristics, in order to provide an overview of the subject. The analyzed researches present several benefits related to the use of probiotics in diets for birds, both for broilers and for laying hens. Probiotics play an important role as barrier for bad effects caused by errors in nutritional management, quality of the feedstuffs, susceptibility of the animal and in strengthening of the organism. In this sense, it is essential to investigate the effects of probiotics according to the new nutritional concepts of the poultry market, working together other additives, such as enzymes, organic acids, prebiotics and phytogenic, since they do not necessarily have the synergistic effect between these compounds, mainly in the microbial modulation and maintenance of gastrointestinal functionality.
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