City and sexuality in the Amazonia: rethinking on the university and the LGBTQIA+ movement in Alto Solimões


  • Francio Costa Simão Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Many changes in the social dynamics of small and medium-sized cities have become more evident and have become the subject of description and analysis because of the improvement in Brazilian legislation on affirmative action policies and the expansion of high education. This article starts from this process to describe the encounters and mismatches between city, university and forms of political action by LGBTI+ people. Based on the research developed between 2018 and 2019 in Benjamin Constant, in Alto Solimões, the article addresses how the university constitutes part of the city's history in its present past and impacts the possibility of forms of social organization such as the LGBTI movement.


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Dossiê Temático Memórias Sensíveis, Contramemórias e Patrimônios Incômodos