From the ruins to the cures
akro´a-gamella, cure, visible and invisible beings, resumptionAbstract
The present work is developed in the Taquaritíua Territory, with the Akroá-gamella people, indigenous Jê who populate the region of the Baixada Maranhense in the state of Maranhão. The Akroá-Gamella people mark their presence in the state of Maranhão since 1713 and in the current territory since 1749, but after long centuries of invasions, land grabbing and land fraud, the extension they had of 14,000 hectares decreased significantly their traditional territory, and today occupy only 530 hectares. After years of a moment that describe as the phase that "lived under the stone laid by the state", in 2010 resumed collective articulations and from that year held public assemblies of self-declaration and began the recoveries of areas that were in possession of non-indigenous. The spaces that suffered from the devastating interference of farmers and entrepreneurs are marked by the healing of the land, much of the old farms are being consumed by plants, any image that resembles that space with former farmer is being destroyed, They enter in ruins and assume characteristic of the true owners of the landscapes, the enchanted beings. In this process the relationships with plants are marked, because they constantly relate the permanence of plants in some spaces with the healing of this land was affected and disenchanted. The resurgence of native forest, herbs and flowers that have never been planted in some ponds, such as the space that is recovering from these interferences.
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