Perspectivas decoloniais sobre o Monumento ao Garimpeiro em Boa Vista-RR


  • Angélica Pereira Triani Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • Sr Federal Institute of Education, Science and Tecnology of Roraima
  • Francilene dos Santos Rodrigues Federal University of Roraima



Decoloniality, Monument, Mining, Boa Vista-RR


For many years the story was told from the perspective of the winners. One of the instruments used for this narrative are monuments, which usually aim to honor a people, a historical achievement, a deity or any other element that is important in local history. These elements are, most often, inserted in the urban environment. The purpose of this work is to understand how this insertion can generate narratives within the city and how it relates to space. It is also intended to analyze the need for resignification of monuments through the decolonial look. This construction takes place in the scope of Boa Vista, capital of the State of Roraima, which was marked by mining activity and the exploitation of indigenous peoples. For this reason, the discourse revolves around the Monument to the Prospector, located in the urban core of the capital. The methodology used was qualitative through exploratory research, based on different bibliographic references. The objective is to raise questions and critical perceptions about the symbology of this monument in Boa Vista and to awaken the proposal of resignification from the gaze of the subalternized.


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Author Biographies

Angélica Pereira Triani, Universidade Federal de Roraima

Master's student in the Postgraduate course in Society and Borders (PPGSOF) of the Federal University of Roraima (2022-2024), with research theme on a decolonial perspective for the urban layout. Substitute Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Roraima - UFRR (2021-2022). Vice President of the Institute of Architects of Brazil - Roraima (IAB-RR), with a mandate from 2021 to 2023. Architect and Urbanist, graduated from the Federal University of Roraima (2020), with interest and projects in the area of architecture with bamboo. Research themes related to: decoloniality in the urban plan of Boa Vista - RR, bioclimatic architecture, indigenous architecture, bamboo and wood structures, pioneer architects in the State of Roraima, green areas and environmental quality.

Sr, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Tecnology of Roraima

Amazônida, was born in 1987, in Belém (Pará), and since 2016 lives in Boa Vista (Roraima), in the extreme north of Brazil. Father of Antônio Diadorim (Diá) and Fidel Lekan is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Roraima - IFRR, where he is also Director of the Department of Research and Graduate Policies, professor of the Higher Course of Technology in Public Management and coordinator of the Research Group on Ethnopolitics, Administrative Thought and History of the State and Institutions - Epahei. He is a professor at the Graduate Program in Society and Borders (PPGSOF) of the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR). PhD in Sciences: Socio-Environmental Development, by the Center for High Amazonian Studies of the Federal University of Pará (NAEA/UFPA), with Postgrad Thesis Student internship at the Laboratory of Ethnopolitical and Cultural Processes of the Anthropology Center of the Venezolano Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). Master in Development Planning (NAEA / UFPA) and Bachelor in Administration from Faculdade Ideal - FACI, currently Faci Wyden, with Quality Certification from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV. Member of the Observatory of the World of Work (UNWTO) of the IFRR, of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), of the Brazilian Association of Oral History (ABHO), of the National Association of History (ANPUH), of the Network of Heritage of Venezuela (REDpatrimonio.VE) and of the Network of Researchers of Tourism, Heritage and Public Policies of the Pan-Amazon (TPP - PAN-AMAZÔNIA). He studies Kimbundu on Saturdays and fabulates about silence the rest of the week. Topics of interest: festivals, intangible heritage, Venezuela (politics, imaginary and reality), critical racial theory, associative life, political administration, fields of production of cultures and their public arenas, public space and social production of the city, oral history, and management and planning of tourism in the Amazon.

Francilene dos Santos Rodrigues, Federal University of Roraima

PhD in Social Sciences, from UnB / Graduate Program in Comparative Studies on the Americas (CEPPAC). Post-Doctorate at the University of Huelva/Spain (CIM. Centro de Investigacion en Migraciones)Professor in the Graduate Programs Society and Borders (PPGSOF) and Natural Resources (PRONAT). Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Study Group on Borders (GEIFRON/UFRR). He works in the following lines of research:1) Population Displacements, Gender and Identity; 2) Gender and violence; 3) Mining and Sociocultural and Environmental Dynamics in the Amazons.


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Dossiê Temático Memórias Sensíveis, Contramemórias e Patrimônios Incômodos