Motivos para praticar enoturismo
Rural Tourism, Wine tourism, Place TourismAbstract
Tourism is an important activity that drives the world. There are several places, allocated in urban or rural areas. Through several factors that are part of modern life, rural tourism has gained proportions. Among the various areas of rural tourism is wine tourism, a practice that consists of visiting places where wines are produced. The literature has highlighted several reasons why people practice wine tourism; however, little is known about the main ones. Through a quantitative and descriptive approach, containing a sample of 70 participants, it was discovered that the most determining reason for practicing wine tourism is the intention to discover new places and the desire to enjoy the rural landscape. The motivations suggested by the theory were grouped into 4 dimensions, through an exploratory factor analysis: getting out of the routine, location, knowledge about wine and tasting. The location was the most cited as a determining factor for the practice of Enoturimo. Finally, it was found that knowledge about wine is only important for those who have already practiced wine tourism. The results suggest that the underlying aspects of wine be explored to boost wine tourism.
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