Effects of controls on task performance and behavior of organizational citizenship mediated by confidence


  • Edicreia Andrade dos Santos Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
  • Iago França Lopes UNICENTRO
  • Rondineli Alves Fernandes
  • Flávio Luiz Lara
  • Rogério João Lunkes




Banking institution, Social exchanges, Normative Control, Process control, Output Control


This study investigates the influence of organizational controls on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior mediated by individuals' perception of trust in a federal banking institution. To this end, based on the study by Verburg et al. (2018) descriptive research was carried out with a quantitative approach, based on a survey applied in loco, for 58 employees. Descriptive statistics and the Structural Equation Modeling technique were used to process the data. Among the results obtained, it was found that organizational control in its process dimension influences organizational trust in the environment of the banking institution. Regarding the mediating role of organizational trust in the relationship between organizational controls and the performance of tasks and citizenship behavior, it was found that it does not act as an intervening party. In theoretical terms, the research results expand the understanding of the position of control in the organizational scope as an antecedent or consequent of trust, task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. In practical terms, it contributes to the Brazilian banking environment, especially considering that it is a highly competitive space and that teamwork is essential for the development of activities, both those considered as Back Office and Front Office. With these findings, the research indicates that in organizational


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How to Cite

Andrade dos Santos, E. ., França Lopes, I., Alves Fernandes, R. ., Luiz Lara, F. ., & João Lunkes, R. . (2022). Effects of controls on task performance and behavior of organizational citizenship mediated by confidence. UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 4(2), 01–22. https://doi.org/10.47357/ufambr.v4i2.10502

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