Saneamento, Saúde, AmazôniaResumo
The objective of this article is to understand and analyze the approaches employed in study of the relationship between sanitation and health in the Legal Amazon from 2013 to 2023. This article conducts an integrative review of the literature drawing upon the works available in the Scientific Electronic Library Online, Virtual Health Library, and Capes Periodicals. 64 out of 185 studies are analyzed, in line with the research question and after applying the eligibility criteria. The studies are clustered into four thematic categories: (i) occurrence of diseases and injuries; (ii) environmental analysis, which includes studies on the risks of elements present in the soil, water and animals; (iii) technology assessment and proposal of methodologies; and (iv) impact of capitalist expansion. More than half of the studies (56%) refer to the more classic approach, which establishes a relationship between sanitation conditions and the occurrence of diseases and injuries. At the same time, an expansion of theoretical-conceptual approaches to the topic was identified, including a focus on human rights and environmental justice, especially in studies about the impact of capitalist expansion. The results of this research point to the need of improving the critical reflection on the political, economic, and sociocultural determinants inherent to the connections between sanitation and health in Brazil.
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