
  • Soledad Garibay Hernández
  • José Luis Romero Hernández
  • Luis Martín Yépez Barrientos


The research presented addresses the topics of Inclusive Education, Intellectual Disability and Teacher Training, from the Rights approach in Mexico. This paper focuses its attention on exploring: 1. The main normative antecedents of Inclusive Education at the International level with the objective of comparing such standards with what has been ratified by Mexico. 2. Contextualize the term disability and emphasize the attention on Intellectual Disability (Neurodevelopmental Disorder), which is a key condition in the Teaching - Learning process. 3. To analyze the Educational Inclusion Processes, which the current Mexican Legislation has adopted, among them to gather in the same classroom students considered regular and students with some barrier to learning and participation, which leads to the question: If the teachers in front of the group are really trained to attend this mosaic of educational needs? Does their teaching training respond to the modifications required by Inclusive Education?  There is a need to reformulate the initial training curricula for future primary education teachers, with subjects that allow them to respond to and promote what is dictated by the Public Policies of Inclusive Education.

 Key-Word: Inclusive Education, Intellectual Disability, Teacher Training and Rights approach in Mexico


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Author Biographies

Soledad Garibay Hernández

Dra. en Educación, Mtra. en Victimología y Lic. En Psicología, egresada del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales INACIPE, docente en el nivel de posgrado a partir del 2010, en diversas Instituciones de Educación Superior Privada, entre ellas el Colegio Holandés. Capacitadora en temas de Psicología Forense relacionados con grupos vulnerables, personas violentadas sexualmente y promoción de los Derechos Humanos.

José Luis Romero Hernández

Dr. en Pedagogía, Mtro. en Enseñanza Superior y Lic. En Pedagogía, docente de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, así como de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón, es investigador de la Red Iberoamericana de Docentes y ha participado como ponente en foros nacionales y encuentros iberoamericanos.

Luis Martín Yépez Barrientos

Dr. en Educación, Mtro. en Enseñanza Superior e Ingeniero Industrial Electricista, egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz I.T.V., docente desde 1991 en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Culhuacán (E.S.I.M.E.) del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (I.P.N.) Participante en proyecto “Estrategias para Implementar Programas Innovadores en Escuelas de Educación Superior”.

