Educação e revolução: um estudo comparado entre Lorenzo Milani e Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
The present article is a study (SAVIANI, 2000). It materializes from the comparative analysis developed between two revolutionary and educative perceptions with methodological and pedagogical repercussions (developments). The first perception, materialized in small village of the region of Florence, Italy, by priest Lorenzo Milani from 1954 to 1965, stablishes nexus with a second perception, arising from the reflection and the practice of the pedagogue and educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi from 1746 to 1827, once Milani experienced in practice his pedagogical theory directed to the poor and excluded children, which live in Stans & Iverdon hamlet, Switzerland. Based on the analysis, our outcomes prove that such educative praxis by its visionary characteristics, given the context and time, exhibits a revolutionary nature becoming an inspiring source at any time in the conception or in defense of a school for all.