The Degree in Music on campus from UEMA
fifteen years of history (2005-2020)
This article aims to identify a historical-educational panorama of the Music Degree, from the Centro de Educação, Ciências Exatas e Naturais (CECEN), from the Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), emphasizing its contribution to the training of music teachers to work in basic education, in its fifteen years of existence (2005 – 2020). The UEMA Music Degree on campus was the first undergraduate course in college created in the State of Maranhão in 2005, with the purpose of providing teachers at the Escola de Música of the State of Maranhão (EMEM) with college education, since most has only technical training. In order to achieve the results of this study, I carried out bibliographic searches, as well as the institutional documents for authorization to operate and create that course, the information contained in the official website, as well as references as a student and teacher.
Keywords: Music Degree; fifteen years; UEMA college.