



This study aims to analyze the contribution of teachers and a public school of the state education network in the social and citizenship formation, of the Elementary School students in Minas Gerais. In order to put it into effect, and in accordance with the proposed objectives, we chose the theoretical methodological assumptions of a qualitative research, based on the studies of Bodgan and Biklen (1991) Minayo (2010) and Chizzotti (2008-2011). As a data collection strategy, the documentary analysis was used, through the Pedagogical Political Project and the School's Regiment, a questionnaire composed of ten open questions applied to twenty teachers who wanted to participate in the research, and to the management team. A round of conversation with the students of the 9th grade of Elementary School was also held. The aim of this study was to promote an understanding of how school can contribute to the formation of students' citizenship in multiple dimensions. Many impasses are noted in relation to the commitment of the school and the teachers to the social formation or the citizen practices contextualized within the school routine. We may consider that the school alone is not prepared to train active and critical students in an unjust and unequal society. This is a collective work, which must also be developed by the family, society, public policies and government, in a commitment to the common good. Only then will we be able to form critical, conscious, thinking citizens capable of changing society's directions and leading the ways of humanity.

This study aims to analyze the contribution of teachers and a public school of the state education network in the social and citizenship formation, of the Elementary School students in Minas Gerais. In order to put it into effect, and in accordance with the proposed objectives, we chose the theoretical methodological assumptions of a qualitative research, based on the studies of Bodgan and Biklen (1991) Minayo (2010) and Chizzotti (2008-2011). As a data collection strategy, the documentary analysis was used, through the Pedagogical Political Project and the School's Regiment, a questionnaire composed of ten open questions applied to twenty teachers who wanted to participate in the research, and to the management team. A round of conversation with the students of the 9th grade of Elementary School was also held. The aim of this study was to promote an understanding of how school can contribute to the formation of students' citizenship in multiple dimensions. Many impasses are noted in relation to the commitment of the school and the teachers to the social formation or the citizen practices contextualized within the school routine. We may consider that the school alone is not prepared to train active and critical students in an unjust and unequal society. This is a collective work, which must also be developed by the family, society, public policies and government, in a commitment to the common good. Only then will we be able to form critical, conscious, thinking citizens capable of changing society's directions and leading the ways of humanity.

This study aims to analyze the contribution of teachers and a public school of the state education network in the social and citizenship formation, of the Elementary School students in Minas Gerais. In order to put it into effect, and in accordance with the proposed objectives, we chose the theoretical methodological assumptions of a qualitative research, based on the studies of Bodgan and Biklen (1991) Minayo (2010) and Chizzotti (2008-2011). As a data collection strategy, the documentary analysis was used, through the Pedagogical Political Project and the School's Regiment, a questionnaire composed of ten open questions applied to twenty teachers who wanted to participate in the research, and to the management team. A round of conversation with the students of the 9th grade of Elementary School was also held. The aim of this study was to promote an understanding of how school can contribute to the formation of students' citizenship in multiple dimensions. Many impasses are noted in relation to the commitment of the school and the teachers to the social formation or the citizen practices contextualized within the school routine. We may consider that the school alone is not prepared to train active and critical students in an unjust and unequal society. This is a collective work, which must also be developed by the family, society, public policies and government, in a commitment to the common good. Only then will we be able to form critical, conscious, thinking citizens capable of changing society's directions and leading the ways of humanity.

Author Biographies

Marilia Beatriz Ferreira Abdulmassih, Universidade Federal do Piaui- Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas

Doutora em Educação - Currículo - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo- PUC/SP, com Estágio Científico Avançado, na Universidade do MINHO em Braga- Portugal, na área de Políticas Educacionais. Mestre em Educação - Formação de Educadores- Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE). Graduada em Pedagogia -UNIUBE. Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal do Piaui- Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas. Vice coordenadora do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, membro do NDE, da Comissão Permanente de Avaliação e da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação. Atuou por mais de 34 anos na Educação Básica como Especialista Educacional, Diretora escolar, coordenadora de escolas de tempo integral na rede municipal de ensino de Ituiutaba-MG. Professora Designada da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais- unidade Ituiutaba, Professora substituta na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia- Campus Pontal, nos cursos de Pedagogia. No Instituto Superior de Ensino e Pesquisa, professora nos cursos de História, Psicologia e Pedagogia e na pós graduação. Também como professora no curso Normal Superior, da Fundação Presidente Antonio Carlos- Campus Tupaciguara e Professora de Cultura e Política, nos cursos de Administração de Empresas e Ciências Contábeis , na Faculdade Triângulo Mineiro- FTM. Atua também na áreas de Currículo, Políticas Públicas Educacionais, Formação de Educadores, Estágio Supervisionado, principalmente nos seguintes temas: Didática, Currículo, Educação Integral e Ampliação da Jornada Escolar, Estágio Supervisionado, e Legislação e organização da Educação Básica. Atualmente faz parte dos grupos de pesquisas: Políticas de Educação/Currículo (PEC-PUCSP) e Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre Infâncias (GEPI-UFU). Membro do Corpo editorial da revista E Curriculum da PUC/SP.

Ana Flávia Marques Santos, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais –UEMG

Licenciada em Pedagogia pela Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais –UEMG- Professora da Educação Básica



How to Cite

ABDULMASSIH, M. B. F.; SANTOS, A. F. M. . A LOOK AT THE SCHOOL’S CONTRIBUTION IN THE SOCIAL TRAINING PROCESS AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF STUDENTS ’CITIZENSHIP. Revista Amazônida: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 01–24, 2020. DOI: 10.29280/rappge.v4i2.7008. Disponível em: //periodicos.ufam.edu.br/index.php/amazonida/article/view/7008. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.