Psychological duty and its pluridimensionality:

an immersion in adolescent existentiality through listening.



Adolescence, existentiality, psychological duty, existential-phenomenology.


The contemporaneity promotes profound and profuse changes in adolescence, soon it is noticed that human relations in elementary and high schools present existential pluridimensionality. It is urgent to develop activities that promote listening and acceptance of adolescents who are going through situations that are throwing them into real emotional turmoil, compromising their daily life at school and at home, among others. The psychological duty in elementary and secondary public schools in the city of Manaus was designed with the perspective of understanding the dimensions of existential suffering present in the speeches of adolescents with the objective of minimizing the resulting consequences and enabling them to face and overcome these situations. , but also that this student can feel welcomed, listened to and taken care of by the team's on-call staff. Counseling considers the parameters of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology and listening related to the phenomenological method in its descriptive and exploratory characteristics. 43 adolescents were attended from April to October 2022, 38 females and 05 males, and the qualitative bias will bring excerpts from the speeches of 7 students, both from elementary and high school. The demands found in these groups of students were diverse, the adolescents are experiencing situations that involve the body, corporeity, intercorporeity. The importance of this emergency listening is concluded, considering that the theoretical bias of Existential-Phenomenology has contributed greatly to understanding the existentiality of this adolescent, who have given back to the team how much more comfortable and safe they are feeling.


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Author Biographies

Atalia Maria Schaeken Silva, Federal University of Amazonas

Undergraduate student in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at the Federal University of Amazonas. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Attendant of the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Academic director of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM). E-mail:   Orcid:

Caio Rafael Costa da Silva, Amazonas Baptist Higher School - ESBAM

Graduating in Psychology from Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas (ESBAM). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). On duty at the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Academic director of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM). E-mail:   Orcid:

Janderson Costa Meira, Santa Teresa colleges

Human Resources Manager at UNIP – Manaus. Graduating in Psychology from Faculdade Santa Teresa. Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Member of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Attendant of the Psychological Duty Extension Project in schools of the public education system in Manaus. Academic director of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM). Email: Orcid:

Ewerton Helder Bentes de Castro, Federal University of Amazonas

Postdoctoral and PhD in Psychology from FFCLRP/USP. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology/UFAM. Professor of the undergraduate course and the Graduate Program in Psychology (FAPSI/PPGPSI/UFAM). Leader of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Research Group (CNPq). Coordinator of the Phenomenological-Existential Psychology Laboratory (LABFEN/UFAM). Coordinator of the Extension Project Psychological duty in schools of the public education system in Manaus (FAPSI/UFAM. Scientific coordinator of the Academic League of Phenomenological-Existential Psychology – LAPFE (FAPSI/UFAM) E-mail: Orcid: https ://

