Performance and egg quality of laying hens evaluated in different periods postmolt
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and egg quality of laying hens at different periods postmolt. The experimental period lasted 105 days, divided into five periods of 21 days. 150 Hisex White laying hens with 84 weeks-of-age were used. The experimental design was completely randomized with treatments constituted by three postmolt stages (early = 21 days, medium = 63 days, and final = 105 days). Performance and egg quality results were evaluated by Tukey test at 5%. There was a significant (p<0.05) reduction on feed efficiency and consequently performance of the hens, especially due to the increase on feed intake and feed conversion ( and and reduction on egg production and egg mass. Hens in the early stage of postmolt period produced heavier (p<0.05) eggs, with better percentages of its main structures. From increase of hens’ age postmolt, there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in its main structures, especially in the yolk and eggshell. Eggs from hens in the early stage of postmolt period presented better (p<0.05) internal and external quality. From increase of hens’ age postmolt, there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the egg quality, especially the external quality (parameters related to eggshell). In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that in the early stage of postmolt period presented better performance and egg quality. At long-term, the postmolt hens presented a significant reduction on its performance and egg quality.
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