Dynamic capabilities, environmental dynamism and competitive advantage: Evidence from a community higher education institution


  • Iane Emanuelle Medeiros Gomes de Brito Unochapecó
  • Givanildo Silva Unochapecó
  • Cristian Rebonatto
  • Rodrigo Barichello Unochapecó




Capacidades Dinâmicas. Dinamismo ambiental. Vantagem Competitiva. Estratégia Empresarial.


This article proposes to relate dynamic capabilities, environmental dynamism and competitive advantage. The relevance of the theme is due to the disclosure of fundamental criteria for the performance of an organization and the increasing increase of rapid and assertive changes in business strategies, so that an organization has effectiveness in its management. This study had as a research sample managers from a community university and the data were collected through a questionnaire sent by email from the human resources sector. Twenty responses were obtained, representing 20% ​​of the total number of respondents. The analysis of the data was descriptive, showing that a higher education institution needs a sense of strategic capabilities, the ability to make early decisions, the ability to change the implementation of strategies, competitive advantage in relation to its competitors and perception of environmental dynamism, in order to achieve high levels of support in strategic management.


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How to Cite

Medeiros Gomes de Brito, I. E., Silva, G. ., Rebonatto, C., & Barichello, R. (2021). Dynamic capabilities, environmental dynamism and competitive advantage: Evidence from a community higher education institution. UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 3(1), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.47357/ufambr.v3i1.8806