
  • Maico Schnell Universidade do Norte do Paraná
  • Pedro Junior de Oliveira Trocz Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE)



Contingency Theory. Organizations. Bibliometry.


The objective of this work is to map the scientific publications on contingency theory. For this, a bibliometric analysis of the research published on the Web of Science between 2015 and 2019 was performed. The data were imported into the HistCite software® to organize the articles in the most cited references, countries that published the most, source of publications of published articles and with greater impacts. For this, these data were created the tables and figures to represent the bibliometric indicators. The results showed that 326 articles were found being written by 840 researchers with links in 452 institutions, it was still possible to identify that the articles were published in 64 countries being present in 210 journals and they used 19,113 references, as well as 1,072 keywords. This study also identified the areas the 10 most recent in 2019. As conclusions the results found portray the interest of researchers in studying contingency theory in the last 5 years internationally.


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How to Cite

Schnell, M., & Junior de Oliveira Trocz, P. . (2020). THE STATE OF THE ART ON CONTINGENCY THEORY: A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY BETWEEN THE PERIOD 2015 TO 2019. UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 2(2), 70–86.