Teletrabalho versus qualidade de vida: uma abordagem sobre as experiências vividas por servidores do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Amazonas


  • Maria da Glória Vitório Guimarães UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS - UFAM



Trabalho, Qualidade de Vida, Teletrabalho, Tecnologia


The objective is to analyze the perception of people who perform part or all of their work at a distance from employing organizations, using technology media. Specifically, we seek to verify if there is an improvement in the satisfaction of the person who opts for remote work, as well as, advantages and disadvantages of remote work. The search for quality of life is a current theme and has challenged several institutions that seek to reconcile the professional and family life of their employees. The perception that the worker has regarding satisfaction with their working life, and the feeling of well-being about their daily life, impacts their performance. The research seeks to identify the impacts that occurred on the quality of life of public servants, especially servants of the Court of Justice of the State of Amazonas, after joining the home office, contemporary mode of performing their activities, being at a distance from the institution and making use of information and communication technologies. For this, an online questionnaire from Google Forms was applied to 57 teleworkers of the institution, with closed questions, based on a pragmatic perspective, the data were analyzed from descriptive statistics. The results showed that there are gains in the quality of life of the severs at the teleworking, thus impacting their professional performance. In addition, teleworking promotes time saving advantages and cost reduction in commuting to work and improves the work-family relationship. In short, remote work, before being an aspect to be controlled, can be an element that favors psychosocial and organizational development through the collective production of new forms of work.


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How to Cite

Alves, R. P., & Guimarães, M. da G. V. (2020). Teletrabalho versus qualidade de vida: uma abordagem sobre as experiências vividas por servidores do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Amazonas. UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 2(3), 58–78.