Práticas Educacionais Inclusivas no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicopedagogia Diferencial – NEPPD/FACED/UFAM




Ensino-pesquisa-extensão, Atendimento educacional especializado, Práticas pedagógicas inclusivas


We report in the present work the experience lived during the evaluation / intervention activities carried out with 38 students targeting the special education of a municipal elementary school in Manaus city, during two semesters of 2017. The study, descriptive in nature, It is configured as an experience report and integrates the Extension Curricular Activity Program (PACE) of the Center for Studies and Research in Differential Psychopedagogy (NEPPD / FACED / UFAM). Based on Wallon's theory, the action involved two hundred and fifteen people, including the executive team, undergraduates, and the school community. As a result, we have referral of students with disabilities to individualized interventions in NEPPD laboratories; specific pedagogical activities applied to others and continuity of action, enabling new developments. It is considered that the activities contributed to the improvement of the teaching / learning process of the students, allowing the articulation of knowledge with the daily life of the subjects involved in the action, greatly enriching the formation of the undergraduates.


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How to Cite

Stelli, M. N. M. ., Chaves, N. dos S. ., & Oliveira, J. V. de . (2020). Práticas Educacionais Inclusivas no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicopedagogia Diferencial – NEPPD/FACED/UFAM. UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 2(1), 71–82.