
  • Rosemar José Hall Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados



Teoria de Vantagem em Recursos, Análise multicritério, Agronegócio, Topsis


This study aims to describe the competitiveness of the food industry of companies in the main economies of the American continent, in which the Resource-Advantage Theory (R-A Theory) was used as a theoretical framework and as an analysis instrument, to measure competitiveness, the TOPSIS Model of Multivariate Analysis for decision making. Accounting indicators of financial performance were collected from 145 companies in the food industry from 8 countries on the American continent, the main economies that have commercial relations with Brazil in agribusiness products. The data extracted from the Thonson One Banker base from 2015 to 2020. The results revealed that the companies that obtained Superior Performance (+) were mostly American, with the exception of two Brazilian companies that were positioned among the best performers, but only in some years of the study. Latin American and Canadian companies, for the most part, were positioned in a situation of Parity Financial Performance, and a few companies from these countries were classified with Inferior Financial Performance. There is a strong indication that the size of the company, according to total assets, establishes a greater possibility of superior performance, as the companies that were positioned at the top of the list are also among those with the highest total assets. It is concluded that competitiveness in the food industry on the American continent is marked by a dominance of North American companies, and studies with only Latin companies are suggested to demonstrate the competitive power of these organizations.


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How to Cite

Hall, R. J. ., & Benini, Élcio G. (2023). COMPETITIVENESS OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY ON THE AMERICAN . UFAM Business Review - UFAMBR, 5(2), 89–111.